Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Joys of Repping

As i previously mentioned I have recently been out on the snow, lucky as i am to have been able to get some time out on the real thing, it wasn't all mulled wine and long evenings in Saloon.

I was based in Val Thorens repping for the Varsity TwentyTen trip, first of all it was one of the most hectic weeks skiing in a long time but second of all it was a lot of fun! As a member of the comps team, we were responsible for the rather heavy racing schedule that of course was the whole reason Varsity began. As the only member of the team with 'serious' race experience on snow, I took the lead on keeping the courses in shape and checking that the actual races went off without a hitch.

I'd like to think it was pretty successful, no serious complaints (except one that was swiftly resolved) and everyone seemed to have a good time. All credit to the team, with Mark Roost and Will Chambers being our very capable leaders, both in organising the comps and leading us to victory over the ISR reps team in the mountain meal boat race.

It's quite funny having graduated to rep from one of the students I am now in charge of sheperding through their holidays. It is nerve wracking, especially in terms of the coach (will i remember to text danny what ferry i'm on when i leave the uk?! who knows) but i think a big part of being a great rep is a smiley face and the ability to chat to anyone and look like you're having a good time. Scott Woods and Yvette Cooper are without a doubt some of the best reps i've ever had the pleasure of knowing and the quality they both have is a never ending supply of smiles and the ability to chat away to absolutely anyone and make them feel like they are being given a personal experience. I hope that i can do the same to my guys when i take HUSKIS out to Val Thorens on New Years Day.

So all in all a very successful trip, some great feedback and some new mates to boot. OTP repping seemed to be the natural progression for me, a way to have a ski holiday on the cheap in the knowledge you'd have a great bunch of people to hang out with, and i wasn't wrong. I regret not signing up in 2nd year to rep, a mistake i will probably always regret, but hey ho, i've made it now and hopefully they won't kick me out any time soon. Although a new development in the abbreviations dictionary courtesy of the OTP boy reps; I.I.D aka Isolate, Intoxicate, Dominate. Classy eh?

Of course it wouldn't be a post at this time of year without mentioning christmas. I can't believe it is once again that time of year. Presents are bought, definitely not wrapped and i'm sat at work willing it to be the weekend already so i can stuff my face with a load of food and then be disgusted with myself for at least 4 days afterwards. I have offered to work on boxing day because i want to build up as many doils/overtime as possible. I've got two weeks of holiday left until July and one of those will definitely be repping at easter, so for those odd days off it's always nice to have some days off in lieu saved up for times like Friday the 28th when i will be pretending to be a student back up in Leeds.

And that for the moment is all, i leave you with a picture of me asleep on the floor, because i'm cool like that.

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